We have developed a diverse product range of tailor made for specific users a combination of finished goods and raw materials. All our products can be customized as per the end user.

Our team of experts actively communicate with customers to adapt our products to the ever-changing and dynamic innovative technologies.

We carry regular inventory to customers for most products, including technical products to enable prompt & optimum delivery.


Technical Products
  • Lead Antimony Wires
  • Steel Wires
  • Case Cups
  • Brass cups
  • Equipment and Tools for CNC punch press machines
Packing Products
  • Steel Boxes & Steel Sheets
  • Cardboard Boxes & Wooden Boxes
  • Protective Wear
  • Clothing including Ceremonial Uniform & Accessories
  • Multi-material & Convoy Items like Net Camouflage, Spotlight etc.

Other Products

Electrical & Transmission Industry

Construction & Automobile

Base Metals