Base Metals

The Base Metals Business Area delivers LME-traded materials in a large variety of shapes, forms, specifications and brands to various industries worldwide. As a partner of both producers and consumers we use all instruments provided by the brokers on the London Metal Exchange to quote real-time prices and hedge the price risk around the clock. Our main products are Aluminium, Lead, Tin, Nickel and Zinc.

  • Aluminium Ingots: T-bar, Sows, Alloys of various other grades and shapes available upon request.
  • Lead: 99.99%, 99.985%, 99.97%, Alloys
  • Nickel: full plate cathodes, cut cathodes 4×4”, 2×2”, briquettes, powders, alloys
  • Zinc: special high grade, high grade, alloys
  • Other base metals: Copper, Tin


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